IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Chief Probation Officer David C. Congdon

Public 2 New
U.S. Probation District of Idaho Seal
Workforce Development
2-1-1 Idaho CareLine

The 2-1-1 Idaho CareLine, a free statewide community information and referral service, is a program of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.  The database includes programs that offer free or low cost health and human services or social services, such as rental assistance, energy assistance, medical assistance, food and clothing, child care resources, emergency shelter, and more.

Agents at the 2-1-1 Idaho CareLine connect people with government, faith-based, and community resources. Use the link to access services throughout Idaho, or simply dial 2-1-1 on your telephone.

Updated on Feb 27, 2014
Adult Education in Idaho

Did You Know?

  • Over 51,000 adults participated in short term training to improve their job skills through Idaho’s technical colleges.  Of those, almost 4,800 were enrolled in emergency services training.
  • The mission of Idaho Professional-Technical Education is to provide youth and adults with the technical skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for successful performance in a highly effective workplace.
  • Idaho’s Adult Basic Education (ABE) program served over 7,500 adults.
  • In Idaho, over 3,500 adults completed their GED.  Of that number, 961 were enrolled in ABE.
  • Services are provided in both Spanish and English.

Updated on Jul 17, 2018
Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

VR is a state-federal program whose goal is to assist people with disabilities prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment.

Who is eligible?

Any individual with a disability that prevents him/her from working may apply.  A counselor will assess your situation and determine whether or not you are eligible for services.

Vocational Rehabilitation – A person may be eligible if he or she:

  • Has a physical or mental impairment (disability), which constitutes or results in a substantial impediment (barrier) to employment and requires vocational rehabilitation services to prepare for, secure, retain, or regain employment; and can benefit in terms of an employment outcome;


  • SSI or SSDI recipients who intend to achieve an employment outcome.

Who may apply for VR services?

  • Any individual with a disability that prevents him/her from working may apply. A counselor will assess your situation and determine whether or not you are eligible for services.
Updated on Jul 17, 2018
SSI and Social Security Disability

SSI stands for the Supplemental Security Income program run by the Social Security Administration. SSI provides a monthly check for aged, blind, or disabled persons who are needy, and who cannot work. SSI pays a low income individual $710 per month or a couple $1066 per month (as of 2013). You must have little money or property (up to $2,000 for a single person and $3,000 for a couple) along with being aged, blind, or disabled. Your house does not count.

What is the difference between SSI and Social Security?

Social Security disability benefits are available for disabled workers who have paid in enough money to the Social Security fund over enough quarters to have insured status. SSI has no work history requirement. Some people who have a small amount of Social Security disability coverage will also be able to get a check for SSI.

What do they mean by disabled?

The test for disability is the same for Social Security and SSI.  Basically you must have a medical or mental health problem which keeps you from working full-time for at least a year.  When you apply for disability, Social Security checks to see if you are working.  Social Security will look at the medical condition to see if it is "severe."  A severe condition must be expected to result in death or last a year before they consider you disabled.

How to apply

Any citizen or legal permanent resident can apply for SSI benefits at a local Social Security District Office. 

A claims representative will assist you in filling out the application. You do not need to personally fill the entire form out. A friend or relative can help you, but you must sign it unless you are mentally or physically unable to sign your name. The application form asks information such as:

  • When you last worked.
  • The nature of your condition.
  • What doctors and hospitals treated you.
  • Medications you are taking.
  • Information about income and resources.

The application form is sent to the Disability Determinations Service in Boise, who recommend disability decisions for the Social Security Administration.


You are eligible for Medicaid if you qualify for SSI, but you must file a separate application.  An application for Social Security or SSI is not an application for Medicaid. Medicaid is a government run medical insurance program that pays for medical care. You should apply for Medicaid at your local Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Office at the same time as you apply for SSI.

How to Appeal

Most SSI disability applications are denied at first. If your application is denied you have 60 days to appeal.  Forms are available at the local Social Security Office.  If you are turned down at reconsideration, you can ask for a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).  If the ALJ turns you down, you may appeal to the Appeals Council in Washington D.C. and then to Federal Court.

Do You Need An Attorney?

If you are denied disability benefits and feel that you are disabled, you should see an attorney.  Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. represents hundreds of claimants for SSI disability. Your chances of winning an SSI appeal are much better if you have an attorney.

How do I get an Attorney?

For SSI and Social Security Disability claims, contact the nearest Idaho Legal Aid Services Office, or the National Organization of Social Security Claimant's Representatives, (800) 431-2804, or the Idaho State Bar, (208) 334-4500, to receive a referral.

Click the following link to access a guidebook to Disability Benefits prepared by the Social Security Administration:

Updated on Apr 08, 2014

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