IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Chief Probation Officer David C. Congdon

Public 2 New
U.S. Probation District of Idaho Seal
Post Conviction Supervision
Treatment Services
Treatment Services

Substance abuse treatment is a condition that may be imposed to monitor a person's abstinence from alcohol and/or drugs.  This condition may require people on supervision to participate in counseling, and includes various methods of testing to confirm abstinence.  This also provides officers with the ability and means to directly address the alcohol and/or drug abuse of these individuals and to control their behavior.

The officer's duties include an initial determination as to whether there is a need for substance abuse treatment and/or testing.  Once the condition is imposed, the officer will use the following steps to ensure compliance:

  • Conduct scheduled and random drug testing.
  • Refer to substance abuse programs, if appropriate.
  • Continuously observe signs for drug or alcohol use.
  • Take steps to control and correct the situation if people on supervision are noncompliant.

Mental health treatment is a condition that may be imposed to monitor a person's mental health wellness.  This condition may require people on supervision to participate in mental health counseling.  Treatment may include such services as psychological/psychiatric evaluations, individual, family, or group counseling, and medication.  This also provides the officer the ability to monitor people on supervision who suffer from mental disease, which may range from anxiety and depression to more chronic disorders such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or pedophilia.

The officer's duties include an initial determination as to whether there is a need for mental health treatment.  Once the condition is imposed, the officer will use the following steps to ensure compliance:

  • Interview the individuals and their families.
  • Consult with mental health professionals.
  • Refer to mental health programs.
  • Observe signs of danger, such as suicide threats, failure to take prescribed medication, or withdrawal from everyday life.
  • Take steps to control and correct the situation if people on supervision are noncompliant.

Benefits of treatment to those who suffer from substance abuse and/or mental health disorders may include:

  • Stabilization in the community.
  • Reduce the risk that they will commit crimes in the future.
Updated on Jun 25, 2014

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