IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Chief Probation Officer David C. Congdon

Public 2 New
U.S. Probation District of Idaho Seal
United States Probation & Pretrial Services for the District of Idaho
Facts And FAQ's
Facts About United States Probation

There are a number of sources of information about the federal probation and pretrial services system.  The most important and comprehensive source is the United States Courts website at

At this site, you can learn about the mission of United States Probation, the duties and requirements of federal probation officers, and descriptions of commonly used terms in the system.

Updated on Jul 17, 2018
Frequently Asked Questions In Idaho

I think a person may be under federal supervision. What information can I be told?
Information about people on supervision is generally considered confidential and the property of the Court. Within this site is information about disclosure, both to the general public or government agencies. Offenders under supervision are required to comply with any criminal registration statutes as required by state law, such as sex offenders, but have the same privacy rights as any citizen.

I have information about a person under federal supervision.  Whom should I tell?
To speak to an officer about a person under federal supervision, contact our main office in Boise and provide as much information as you can, including name, date of birth, address, and any other identifying information you might know, such as Bureau of Prisons' registration number, physical description, alias names, or case numbers. Once you have provided that information, we will search our records and locate the person's assigned officer, who will then call you back.  If you have not received a return call in a reasonable period of time, you are encouraged to contact the Chief Probation Officer at (208) 334-9107.

How can I find out when a person will be sentenced in federal court?
While it is helpful to know in which location a person will be sentenced, any of our offices can provide the date and time if you know the person's name and/or case number.  In most cases, they will provide your contact information to the assigned officer who will call you back.

I am considering allowing a person under federal supervision to move in to my residence.  What do I need to know?
In general, integrating persons released from jail or prison back into the community is an area of primary focus by officers.  It is common for family and friends to volunteer their homes to releasing prisoners.  Every release plan will be investigated and approved by an officer, with an eye toward ensuring compliance with conditions of supervision, any potential secondary effects on third parties, and proximity of necessary services, such as substance abuse treatment, and employment.  Given the nature of conditions for persons under supervision, you should be aware that any common areas of a residence as well as the supervised releasee's living area are subject to search.  Persons under supervision are forbidden from residing in a location with firearms or recreational drugs.  Depending on specific conditions, there may be additional restrictions as well, such as internet access, and financial restrictions.  The assigned officer will discuss those in detail with you.

Updated on Jul 17, 2018

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