IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Chief Judge David C. Nye

Public 2 New
U.S. Courts District of Idaho Seal
Federal Jury Service
Complete Questionnaires
Complete Questionnaire(s)

District of Idaho - Complete Questionnaires(s)

Click the button below to complete your online juror Qualification and Supplemental Questionnaire(s). You will need your nine (9) digit juror participant number which is located on your jury summons. We have had reports of jurors having issues with completing questionnaires on a Tablet or on their mobile device. 


If you are having trouble logging in, please verify that you were summoned by the
District of Idaho.

Click on the Online Questionnaire button above to begin completing jury questionnaire(s)


National eJuror Program

Our court uses the national eJuror program which gives potential jurors the option to complete jury questionnaires online through the U.S. Court's website.

Finding your Juror Participant Number

Your nine (9) digit juror participant number is located on your jury summons above Step 1. If you have lost your paperwork, please call the jury office to obtain a new summons and your juror participant number.



Completing Questionnaires in eJuror

IMPORTANT When filling out your questionnaires, Do Not use the browser back and forward arrows/buttons on the top of the computer screen or you will automatically be logged out of eJuror losing the information that you have entered. 

Please use the buttons at the bottom of the eJuror questionnaire screens as shown below.

I do not have a computer

The court understands that not all prospective jurors have access to a computer. You may wish to use your local library’s public computer terminals to access our website. The court also makes computers available to the public if it is convenient for you to visit us at our court location. However, if none of these options are available to you, and you require a paper copy of the questionnaires, please call 
1-844-868-6769.(phone tree - Press 5.)

  • If your address is different than what is listed on the summons, please provide your new address.
  • Paper questionnaires need to be completed and returned within 5 days of receipt

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