US Flag FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2025
IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Chief Probation Officer David C. Congdon

Public 2 New
U.S. Probation District of Idaho Seal
Workforce Development
Our Mission
Our Mission


Workforce Development for the District of Idaho is dedicated to providing career assistance to U.S. Pretrial and Probation clients in obtaining meaningful employment, thus improving the likelihood of job retention and reducing the rate of recidivism.  Using the menu on the left, information is provided to assist you in your job search efforts.   Assistance is provided to help you obtain all documents you may need to prepare yourself for your job search, show you how to prepare a resume, how to complete an application, how to address your criminal history, tips on interviewing, and information on how to locate resources in your community to help you in your job search efforts.

Updated on Feb 27, 2014
Resource Guide for Ex-Offenders

The Ex-Offender Re-Entry Services Guide has been designed to enhance and expand services to the ex-offender in Idaho, and assist you in your re-entry into the State's work force.  The Idaho Department of Labor is a leader in generating quality services and is focused on assisting you in becoming part of the skilled work force.

Updated on Apr 28, 2016

The Internet has quickly become one of the most popular job search methods.  Managing time online can be very important during the job search.  Here are some tips to help you use your time wisely:

  • Begin your online job search by visiting large information databases. Visit these sites every few days; daily visits may be too frequent to turn up new information.
  • Use links from the large information databases to take you to smaller sites where you can investigate specific employers or find networking contacts.  Again, visit these sites every few days.
  • Use search engines to locate new resources specific to the job you want. Realistically, your Internet job search strategies should be limited to about 25% of the total time used to look for a job.
  • Don't neglect conventional job search strategies such as site visits, perusing newspaper want ads, job fairs or talking to friends.

When applying for job on-line, you will need an email address.  To assist you in your efforts, the U.S. Probation Officer will establish an email account for you, and will provide you with a password for your account.  This email address is to be specifically used by you to look for work.  Your officer will have access to your account and will be able to monitor your efforts.  This email address will also be another way for you to communicate with your officer.  After you complete your term of supervision, you will be able to continue to use this email address for personal use.  By changing your password, your officer will no longer have access to your account. 

Updated on Feb 27, 2014

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