District Forms | Fees | Rules
Local Rules Committee
District Court - Advisory Committee

Per General Order 450, the following individuals are appointed members of the District Court Advisory Committee on Local Rules to serve until further Order of the Court:

Chief U.S. District Judge David C. Nye
U.S. District Judge Amanda K. Brailsford
Senior U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill
Chief U.S. Magistrate Judge Raymond E. Patricco, Jr.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Debora K. Grasham (chair)

U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy W. Dale


South: East: North:
Erika Birch John Bailey Brianna Espeland
Alex Caval Don Carey Mike Ramsden
Dave Comstock Rilie Fry April Linscott
Lynette Davis Howard Burnett  
Bradley Dixon DeAnne Casperson  
Yvonne Dunbar    Academia:
Jordan Heller   (U of I College of Law)
Anne Henderson Haws Court Staff Jessica Gunder
Dana Herberholz Stephen Kenyon Katie Ball
Jim Martin Jeff Severson Ex-Officio Members:
James Schaefer Sunny Trumbull (Lawyer Representatives)
Erik Stidham Kelly Montgomery Sam L. Angell
Gregory C. Tollefson   Sonyalee Nutsch
Elijah Watkins Chambers' Staff: Howard Belodoff
Justin Whatcott Bennett Briggs  
  Kirsten Wallace  
  Marci Smith  
  Lauri Thompson  
  Dan Gordon  
  Zach Zollinger