Why do I have to serve in a city that is not located in the county in which I live?
Federal Court encompasses the entire State of Idaho with 16 counties reporting to Boise, 18 counties reporting to Pocatello, and 10 counties reporting to Coeur d'Alene.
The United States District Court for the District of Idaho is divided into three divisions that have been designated as points of holding court. Each of the three divisions are made up of the surrounding counties listed in the table below.
Southern Division: | Northern Division: | Eastern Division: |
U.S. Federal Courthouse 550 West Fort Street Boise, ID 83724 |
U.S. Federal Courthouse 6450 North Mineral Drive Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815 |
U.S. Federal Courthouse |
Ada |
Benewah |
Bannock |
If you have moved out of the State of Idaho and are no longer a resident, you are still required to fill out the questionnaire. When filling out the questionnaire, please be sure to enter your new address.
Persons who have moved out of the District of Idaho are disqualified to serve on its juries.
Qualified individuals with disabilities have the same opportunity and obligation to serve as jurors as individuals without disabilities. If you have a disability that would affect, but not prevent you from serving as a juror, please provide remarks when completing the questionnaires.
If you wish to serve, but require some sort of accommodation by the court, please indicate the accommodation required on the questionnaire.
In order to be excused for a physical or mental disability you must complete the questionnaires and provide the jury office with a medical excuse from your physician. When providing or having your physician fax an excuse, please make sure that your name and nine (9) digit juror participant number are noted.
If requesting to be excused for medical reasons, you are required to provide the court with a medical excuse from your medical care provider. If your medical excuse has not been provided to the court, you cannot be excused on this basis. If you have not obtained a medical excuse from your health care provider by the time you receive your reporting date for jury selection you may still submit a medical excuse, but you will not be excused until you report for jury selection or your excuse is approved by the Court. You will be notified if you are excused for medical reasons via email if you provided an email address when completing the questionnaires or via U.S. Mail if you did not. Until the Court has notified you that you are excused you are required to report as directed.
The court may also offer you a one-time postponement of your jury service. The court's postponement policy applies.
Southern Division | Boise | (208) 803-3674 |
Northern Division | Coeur d'Alene | (208) 803-3674 |
Eastern Division | Pocatello | (208) 478-4106 |
If the summoned juror passed away, please return the summons packet with "Return to Sender - Passed Away" or log into eJuror and answer a few questions.
After processing in eJuror or via mail an automatic excuse is granted.
If you are the caretaker of a family member who requires 24/7 care due to ailing health or special needs, the court will consider excusing you with verification from a medical provider that your care is needed 24/7, or the court may postpone your jury service. The court's postponement policy applies.
If you will be providing verification from a medical provider that requests that the court excuse you from jury service, please fax the excuse to the jury office. Please be sure that your name and nine-digit juror participant number are located on the excuse.
The court may also offer you a one-time postponement of your jury service. The court's postponement policy applies.
Southern Division | Boise | (208) 803-3674 |
Northern Division | Coeur d'Alene | (208) 803-3674 |
Eastern Division | Pocatello | (208) 478-4106 |
Please forward the summons packet to the summoned juror for completion of the questionnaires on-line. In order to fill out the questionnaires on-line they will need their nine (9) digit juror participant number which is located on the front of the summons. If they do not have access to a computer someone other than the summoned juror may fill out the questionnaires.
Individuals on a mission out of state whom will not be returning to Idaho within a one (1) year period may be excused. Verification must be provided and may be faxed.
If you will be returning within a one year period, we may offer a one-time postponement. The court's postponement policy applies.
Southern Division | Boise | (208) 803-3674 |
Northern Division | Coeur d'Alene | (208) 803-3674 |
Eastern Division | Pocatello | (208) 478-4106 |
College students are not excused from jury service. The court's postponement policy applies.
Please forward the summons to the summoned juror and have them fill out the questionnaires on-line. In order to fill out the questionnaires on-line they will need their nine (9) digit juror participant number which is located on the front of the summons.
Students attending college out of state whom will not be returning to Idaho within a one (1) year period may be excused. If the student plans on returning to Idaho for the summer, etc., we will postpone their jury service. The court's postponement policy applies.
We may offer a one-time postponement of up to one (1) year. Please provide a brief explanation on the Prospective Juror (second) Questionnaire. The court's postponement policy applies.
If you are a stay at home parent, we may offer you a one-time postponement. The court's postponement policy applies.
Please note on the questionnaires that your civil rights have been restored. If you can, please provide written verification of a “final discharge” which means satisfactory completion of imprisonment, probation and parole as the case may be. If possible, please attach a copy of your final discharge. If you do not have verification and you advise that your civil rights have been restored, you may still be qualified to serve. Verification can be faxed.
Southern Division | Boise | (208) 803-3674 |
Northern Division | Coeur d'Alene | (208) 803-3674 |
Eastern Division | Pocatello | (208) 478-4106 |
Please note on the questionnaires that your civil rights have not been restored. A person is disqualified from jury service if their civil rights have not been restored.
Please note on the questionnaires that you do not know if your civil rights were restored.
A person is disqualified from jury service if they cannot make an affirmative statement that his or her rights have been restored following a final discharge of his or her conviction.
Please note on the questionnaires that you have pending criminal charges. It is very important that you provide the court with as much information as you can regarding the charges.
If you have pending charges and your rights have not been restored, you are disqualified from jury service.
NOTE: If the potential punishment for the pending charge is NOT "more than one (1) year," (even though it might be a year exactly), you would not be disqualified from service on this basis.
Please note on the questionnaires that you are currently on probation, the charges, agency, and the name and phone number of your probation officer.
If you are currently on probation for a state or federal crime for which punishment could have been more than one (1) year in prison, you are disqualified from jury service.
NOTE: If the potential punishment is NOT "more than one (1) year," (even though it might be a year exactly), you would be qualified to serve.
Federal jury service does not require a person to serve jury duty more than once every two (2) years. If you have served as a grand or petit juror in the state or federal courts within the last two (2) years you may be excused with verification of service.
Except otherwise ordered by the Chief Judge, petit jurors in all divisions shall serve for a one (1) month term of service, one appearance, or one (1) trial, or until the trial you are serving on has been completed.
Grand Jurors shall serve for a term not in excess of twelve (12) months, unless otherwise extended by the Court. No one shall be required to serve on more than one grand jury or serve both as a grand and petit juror.
Jurors report to Court on days when a trial is scheduled. Some will be selected for service and those who are not will be released, which completes their jury service for the remainder of the month unless otherwise ordered by the judge.
For those chosen to serve, the presiding judge will set the trial schedule. Generally, trials may run from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Electronic devices, such as cellular phones, wireless devices, and laptops are permitted in our courthouse; however, they are not allowed in the courtrooms while in session.
A “sequestered” jury is one that is kept together in a private location separate from their homes or workplace during part or all of a trial. This is often done for reasons of privacy or to prevent the jury’s decision from being based on media coverage or the opinions of the public in a high-profile case.
Most jury trials in the District of Idaho do not involve sequestering a jury.
You are not allowed to bring family or friends when you appear for jury selection.
If you do, you will not be allowed to participate in jury selection and will not be paid for your appearance, this includes children.
For your convenience a list of hotels and respective room rates are located on the back of your summons for those individuals who qualify for overnight accommodations. The rooms listed on the summons are just a few of those in the area. You may stay at any hotel of your choice or you may stay with friends or family in the area.
We encourage you to make your hotel reservations as soon as possible due to limited rooms that are available at the GSA rate. When making your reservations and checking in, please identify yourself as a federal juror and request the GSA rate. Please be prepared to show them your jury summons if needed.
You must bring your hotel receipt with you to jury selection.
Free parking is available on site at all courthouse locations. Please do not park in unauthorized areas or in reserved spaces which have assigned numbers.
Trial schedules from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. will not be allowed to leave for lunch. Usually two 15 minutes breaks are given. The court will supply light snacks. You may want to bring your own lunch and if you have a special diet, we encourage you to bring your own snacks as well. Jury rooms have a refrigerator and microwave for your use.
During jury trials we provide coffee, water, tea, soda, and light snacks.
If the presiding judge provides a lunch break, there are a number of restaurants convenient to courthouse locations.
The presiding judge does allow breaks during jury trials.
While no formal dress code exists, jurors should appear in a manner that is respectful of the Court. We recommend that you not wear t-shirts, tank-tops, halter tops, shorts or hats while on jury duty.
Since the courtrooms tend to be cool, you may want to bring a sweater or light jacket.
Smoking is prohibited within the confines of the courthouse. Smoking is only permitted outside of the building in designated areas.
The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are also prohibited.
Jury clerks will provide a certificate of attendance verifying your attendance during jury selection and trials.
As of May 7, 2018, each Juror is paid $50 per day for attendance. Jurors can receive up to $60 a day after serving 10 days on a trial. As of January 1, 2025, jurors are paid $0.70 cents per mile (round trip), regardless of the mode of transportation.
Subsistence is paid to those who require overnight stay. To qualify you must live 70 miles or more one way from Boise or Pocatello; 60 miles or more one way from Coeur d'Alene. In order to be reimbursed, you must provide a hotel receipt.
Subsistence amount varies depending upon the division you will be reporting to.
Division | Family/Friends | Hotel & Per Diem |
Effective October 1, 2024 FY 2025 |
Boise: | $86 | $191/$86 ($277) |
Oct 2024, and June - Sept 2025 |
Boise: | $86 |
$167/$86 |
Nov 2024 - May 2025 |
Coeur d'Alene: | $74 | $142/$74 ($216) |
Oct -Dec 2024, Jan-May 2025, and Sept 2025 |
Coeur d'Alene: | $74 | $217/$74 ($291) |
Jun - Aug 2025 |
Pocatello: | $68 | $110/$68 ($178) |
For more information, visit the U.S. Courts Website on Jury Pay.
You may call Shirlee Gage, District of Idaho, Jury Administrator at (208) 334-1493.