Bankruptcy Judges & Calendars
Submit Proposed Orders

Proposed orders are to be submitted by e-mail in a format compatible with Word, unless expressly directed by the Court to be submitted in a different format.  Refer to the ECF Procedures Guide for further guidance.  A certificate of service is not required when submitting a proposed order.

You may use the links below to submit your Proposed Orders:

Proposed Orders Email Link
Bankruptcy Proposed Orders
Proposed Orders Procedures

Submitting Proposed Orders



All proposed orders submitted to the Bankruptcy Court shall be sent by e-mail. Below are the instructions for submission of proposed orders.

Document Format

Proposed orders submitted shall:

be in Word Version format. Do not submit proposed orders in “pdf” format. Whenever possible, do not use any complex formatting, i.e. no line numbering, no footers/headers.

not reflect the attorney information above the case caption. (See Local Bankruptcy Rule 9004-1)

indicate the name of the party/attorney(s) submitting the proposed order at the bottom of the page. Also include the name of the party(ies) represented, and any endorsements of the order by other parties. indicate the end of the body of the Order by: // end of text //. The judge will place his electronic signature in the space between the //end of text// designation and the party/attorney information/applicable endorsements.

Naming convention of file:

Case#_ORDER_Brief description.

Do not place spaces in the title of your file name.

Example: 24-234-NGH_Order_Dismissing.docx.

E-mail Specifics

One proposed order per e-mail.

Proposed orders are e-mailed to:

Subject line of e-mail: Case No. & Document # of filed Motion